The GSPG was formed in 1980 with Mercy Fernandes as it’s leader. Currently the GSPG is led by Rucha Fernandes. Our Vision is to renew every family of our Good Shepherd parish and our Mission is based on Jn 12:24 “unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit”. So our Mission is DIES, an acronym for Discipleship, Intercession, Evangelization and Scripture.

A closer inspection of the above will reveal that we have planned to achieve our Vision to renew every family and thereby every parishioner of Good Shepherd by living out our Mission by truly becoming disciples and not just fringe followers, by interceding for every family, by evangelizing and studying our scriptures so as to build on solid rock and not on sand.

Our prayer group is affiliated with the Bombay Service Team (BST) of the National Catholic Charismatic Renewal (NCCR) which conducts Jesus Encounter and Healing live in Retreats (JEHR) on every second weekend (Fri to Sun) of the month at Vinalaya, Andheri West. These retreats have become a source of great renewal with testimonies of healing and deliverance; ranging from complete deliverance to hard core drug addicts and those addicted to alcohol and smoking to various physical healings to both old and young apart from the many blessings and answered prayers for careers, relationships, etc. Many of our GSPG members have attended a JEHR retreat and been blessed by it and are now active members growing in our Lord as well as drawing others unto HIM. Many such healings, deliverance, blessings and miracles similar to those at the JEHR are witnessed at our GSPG Thursday meetings after 7 pm mass in the church extension and at other events organized by the GSPG.

Over the years GSPG has been instrumental in organizing several outreaches, daylong rallies for both young and old, healing services, training programs and spiritual development seminars covering intercession, word of God, night vigils, lenten mission, etc. 

Some of the key highlights are:- organizing the New Year’s eve holy hour service, the 5 day Lenten Mission, Marian night (to celebrate Mama Mary’s birthday).

Over the years we have had a thriving music ministry, praise and worship ministry, teaching ministry, service and greeting ministry and in 2018 we plan to strengthen these existing ministeries as well as our newly launched visiting ministry and children’s ministry (Lambs of the Good Shepherd) wherein every Thursday after 7 pm mass we will take our 2 to 12 year old’s through skits, action songs, digital media presentations on gospel stories such as David and Goliath, Joseph and the technicolor coat to build up the faith of our little one’s and give them a strong foundation. As we bring in 2025, we welcome each and everyone of you to come and join us on this spiritual journey of living in the fullness of life which Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior came to give us. Peace of Christ to all.

Priest in charge- Fr.Frankie Crasto.

Lay coordinator- Rucha Fernandes.