Couples for Christ India is an affiliate of  CFC-FFL , a private association approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Philippines. In India, it operates under the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India Family Commission, and in each diocese, under the family commissions at respective dioceses. CFC is listed in the Catholic Directory of the Archdiocese of Bombay; also under every Parish where it is present. 

We are an evangelistic and missionary community of lay faithful that work toward the disciplining of families. CFCI is not an alternative to the parish/diocesan structure or to Church activities, but functions , as a catalyst, alongside the Church, and is strongly linked with the clergy and local parishes.

Couples for Christ began as a movement in 1981 in Manila, Philippines, and is now a worldwide movement operating in many countries. It has grown into a holistic family life renewal ministry encompassing, besides the ministry to married couples, ministries to every member of the family. CFCI as a community has grown to include kids, teenagers, young adults, couples, widows and widowers, walking hand in hand in our joys and pain.

We in Couples for Christ believe that for us the call to love one another is a call to be a missionary community.

How can I join?

Couples desiring to become a part of CFCI would need to attend a Christian Life Seminar , a 9-session program that will give you personally, and together as a couple, a Christ experience. These programs are conducted periodically in local areas, and in order to derive the real fruit of it, it is essential that both husband and wife participate in the whole program together.

CFCI membership is open to any baptized Catholic and draws its membership from all sectors of society – young and old, rich and poor, –going beyond all cultural, economic, educational, social, caste and other distinctions (Galatians 3:28). Non-Catholic Christians and people of other faiths may also be admitted as members as provided by these statutes.

CFCI operates in the language of its members. Of the 45,000 members, less than 2,000 are English-speaking. Programs are conducted in more than 19 different languages, and meetings in 30 languages, across the country.

Why should I join?

We believe that members are called to the community. Finishing the CLS and subsequent programs are just the beginning of a long process of growth in Christ and Christian service. As such, CFCI provides a continuous line of programs which includes teachings, recollections, retreats, and much more, to support this.

We meet weekly and three things happen at each meeting – fellowship, sharing usually based on our living of the word of God, and a time of worship.

CFCI provides a support system of pastoral care and brotherhood where members support each other to gain the most out of life, and yet, grow on the right path – as individuals, as couples and as families.

Spiritual Director  CFCI : Bishop Agnelo Gracias.

CFCI – Good Shepherd Chapter Servant : Ignatius and Natty Pereira. Contact No. 98924 35643.